Matayo Ayo


I am Matayo Ayo, A Tech lover, Since I heard about it. My decision to dive into this ocean full of suprises every morning, it made me learn and build projects as the best way to solidify my knowledge and getting myself better.
Check my public projects at github and npm

Mind shaping

As usual school alone cannot give you enough knowledge. I chose to go deeper by studying myself by ¹ Spending enough hours in tutorials and pain courses, ² from people as well by learning how they build their projects, pathways and so far, and ³ attending tech talks/meeting, events and hackathons to gain new knowledge.
But it’s not just about coding, I love learning about science, especially physics

What I’m good at

Due to various jobs and work from people, I got enough knowledge in webapps development and debugging as well as analyzing and managing

Work with me?

It’s just simple. I’m a contracts based worker although I am ready to go beyond that. Open for table agreements

Technology Am Using





Cloud and Hosting

Vesion controls

Reach me

Github trophy

Github Stats