Matayo Ayo


Fetch Tanzania nida data


npm install nida-tz

For better result you need axios and dotenv dependencies installed


This library work with two addition dependency that are ` axios ` and ` dotenv ` modules installed. To install run both ` npm i axios dotenv `

How to use the library

1 Syntax

# Syntax
async functionName(parameters);

# sample
const nidatz = require('nida-tz');
const nin = "12345123451234512345"; # define nida
async function mainFunction() => {
    const result = await nidatz.nidaData(nin);

2 Common Express Usage

# express usage
const express = require('express');
const app = expess();
const nidatz = require('nida-tz');

app.get('/route', async (req, res)=>{
    const nida = '123456789456123';
    const result = await nidatz.nidaData(nida);

app.listen(portNumber, ()=>{});

3 Express with arrow function

# separate function usage
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const nidatz = require('nida-tz');

# Arrow function usage
const nidaResult = async(nida)=>{
    return await nidatz.nidaData(nida);

# Express usage
app.get('/route', async (req, res)=>{
    const nida = '123456789456123';
    const result = await nidaResult(nida);

app.listen(portNumber, ()=>{});

Express with Regular function

# separate function usage
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const nidatz = require('nida-tz');

# Regular function
async function nidaResult(nida){
    return await nidatz.nidaData(nida);

# Express usage
app.get('/route', async (req, res)=>{
    const nida = '123456789456123';
    const result = await nidaResult(nida);

app.listen(portNumber, ()=>{});